Your 20/20 Partnership Gave...THANK YOU!

Your 20/20 Partnership Gave...THANK YOU!

Over the past 3 years CXXII as a brand has taken a creative approach to the holiday season, with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday all lined up in a row we created our 20/20 Sale. You shop and save 20% on everything and we donate 20% to a organization. 

For the 2018 holiday season, I felt God lead me to help my dear friend Bob Cole who works for an amazing organization, Christian Life Ministries. 

CLM Provides counseling for individuals, couples and families who are experiencing difficulties and recognize a need for change. They also offer Christ centered premarital counseling. 

What sets CLM apart from other counseling services is that they do not require patients to pay. It is donation based and what the patient can pay for the services. Each counselor raises monthly support like a missionary would so that they can provide their families above and beyond what is donated.

This year with your AMAZING support and partnership with the 20/20 Sale we were able to donate to CLM and Bob Cole and provide them with 40 HOURS.... I will repeat that 40 Hours of counseling.


BobColeI want to personally THANK YOU, and Bob Cole when meeting with him over Christmas wants to THANK YOU for your support being a part of his mission and what God has called him to do. 


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