What does the "American Jesus" design mean to you?
When I first saw the "American Jesus" artwork back in 2018 that was created by the street artist Godffiti , I reached out to him and asked him "What is the meaning behind the design?" " What were you trying to tell your audience?" he didnt give me a answer but more so a question in return and asked me "What does this design mean to you or how does it speak to you?"
It is amazing to me how God creates us all uniquely different and can see the American Jesus artwork and all have different opinions and ideas of what it means.
Along with that comes the ability to share those ideas and create a dialog and a conversations that can grow us. I have my personal views on how the artwork speaks to me and you may have something completely different but Godffiti intended for process to happen and what makes the artwork special.
If you would like to see this artwork in person you can go to the Spokane Dream Center near downtown Spokane, Washington to see the large mural that was created on the side of the building. (* FYI the coordinates that are seen small on the bottom of the tee design are the exact longitude - latitude of the building of the mural)
So we ask you the same question :
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